Synoptic Project – Blog Post 3 + Evaluation

In the end, although we had a few setbacks as mentioned in my previous blog, however, we were able to get everything completed. Cherise was the person who had the role of putting our assets into Unity and creating the 5 triggers using the assets we had created as a group.

Throughout this Synoptic Project, I learnt new things such as how to UV map things easier using tools such as Planar, Cylindrical and although I didn’t use it for any of my assets personally I also learnt about spherical mapping. Planar mapping was the most useful considering most of our assets were objects that had either a cubed or cuboid shape to them. I also used cylindrical mapping for objects such as barrels, bottles and cups.

Due to learning about these different techniques to UV map certain objects one of my greatest weaknesses which were UV mapping became one of my main strengths in this project. I was also good at 3D Modelling and texturing.

I feel I still have a weakness in not knowing about a lot of tools that could possibly help me create assets easier. I feel this way because I have only just learnt about other ways to easily UV map objects within the second year which makes me realise that I need to learn more about manga and its tools in general.