Personal skills development


Getting to know more and more each day about the game industry over my time at Nescot college has really affected my personal skills a lot causing me to get better at the things that I have done within my course this includes my behaviours on the requirements for the industry such as time management, team work and what will impress employers for the gaming industry which increases my chances of receiving a job in the industry.



At the start of the year I thought that if i could do well in this course I would definitely have the grades to get into the game industry which would give me a huge chance of getting into the gaming industry these personal beliefs of mine were obviously changed a lot as I learnt more about the industry. I learnt that although grades really matter the gaming industry likes to look more at your skills in terms of what you can do for the employer I had learnt about countless experiences at Nescot where people who had little to nothing in terms of grades but were chosen by the employer in the gaming industry due to the fact that they could show the employer their skills usually via a portfolio of all their best works. This changed me to focus more on my actual skills and what I can bring to the team when going for a job in the gaming industry rather than showing off all of my currently attained grades.



I also learned a lot about time management in terms of how game designers and developers always have a deadline to get a game out as soon as possible to the everyday casual gaming consumer. I experienced deadlines a lot over my course at Nescot by being set assignments which had to be due in on certain days such as my 3D modelling work and my VFX work. By experiencing these deadlines I was able to grasp the concept of how hard game developers need to work in order to try and get a finished game out to the public. Also by experiencing these deadlines more often for my course I was able to become better at them by handing in my work a lot earlier than I used while spending a lot of time on my work to make it look good at the same time. This was done by me also taking out a lot more of my free time at home to try and complete and finish work by spending extra hours at either college or at home which didn’t bother me that much as I usually liked the work that I was doing especially the 3D modelling.



I also got lots of opportunities to work and improve upon my teamwork skills within the course. One moment in particular that I can remember which required a lot of good teamwork was the group activity on creating a scene by recording some footage for our VFX part of the course which I later edited and added special effects to it as part of my assignment. Our group had to work together to create that we could all use to create our own VFX battle scenes between our own turrets and alien tripods. I was able to improve on my teamwork skills a lot here as we helped each other to create a very good scene.



My communication also improved a lot. I was able to help communicate with my team in the VFX shot and help them out by giving them ideas for the footage that we were filming together as a group.