Games Design


Games from the Halo franchise have definitely improved over the years. Especially since Game Designers are able to create new games which reach out to different types of people within their target market whether that would be by gender or by taking advantage of the Xbox‘s technologies by using things such as online.


The First Xbox otherwise known as the (XBOX ORIGINAL) – HALO Combat Evolved and how it used the Original Xbox’s technology and features

The Xbox original was Microsoft’s first attempt at a gaming console and was released in the  year 2001. it sold over 24 million units sold which at the time was considered a huge success. The Original Xbox was built to be able to play games locally with a friend by having two controller ports at the front of the Xbox and was also built to be able to use the internet to play online with other players using the Xbox’s online feature called Xbox Live however it never got the chance to utilise this feature until a year later in (2002) when Xbox Live launched. (Halo Combat Evolved) was  a first person shooter released in the year (2001) a year before (Xbox Live) launched which meant it was never able to make use of (Xbox live) but instead Game Designers took advantage of the (Original Xbox‘s) technology which had two controller ports. By doing this Game Designers had created a split screen multiplayer feature in which two players could face off against each other in a match. At the time (Halo  Combat Evolved) was considered to be one of the most graphically aesthetic looking game and was considered the best first person shooter especially because it enabled local multiplayer. (Halo Combat Evolved) used decent animation in terms of the way characters moved however the VFX used wasn’t very good considering the (Xbox Original‘s) hardware.


The First Xbox otherwise known as the (XBOX ORIGINAL) – HALO 2 and how it used the Original Xbox’s technology and features

Due to the great response from players who had played Halo 1 the Game Designers at Bungie who created Halo 1 created a sequel  Halo 2. This was 2 years after Xbox Live had launched in the year (2004).  Halo 2 was also a huge success improving on everything since Halo 1 graphically and game play wise. Just as expected from a game released after Xbox Live was launched The Game Designers had started to utilise Xbox Live and it’s features into the sequel meaning Halo 2 included online multiplayer so that players could test each other’s skill online in the field. The graphics were also improved making the game look better aesthetically wise. They had also kept the local multi player feature (split screen). In the sequel the animations were improved greatly but again due to the act that the hardware wasn’t good enough at the time the VFX still weren’t very good.


The Xbox 360 – Halo 3 and how it used the Xbox 360’s technology and features

When Microsoft’s next console the (Xbox 360) had released in (2005) it had improved a lot since its predecessor the (Original Xbox) in almost every single way in both Online capabilities and the hardware itself. In (2007) Halo 3 launched again improving on Halo 2‘s feature. Both online and split screen mode were back and also with the new platforms capabilities the game had far superior graphics compared to the other two games. The Game Designers also used the (Xbox 360‘s) new hardware  to introduce a new mode in (Halo) called (Forge) with this players were aloud to create their own maps and invite friends from online and local to come and play with them in their very own forged map.
The animations had improved once again and due to the new hardware the VFX were very good making explosions and gun firing effects look better and more realistic.


The Xbox 360 – Halo Reach and how it used the Xbox 360’s technology and features

In Halo Reach the Game designers at Bungie wanted to focus more on different target markets such as the average girl gamer. In (Halo reach) for the first time ever you were aloud to create your own character or (Spartan) this allowed players to customise the way their Spartans battle armour looked and the (Gender) of the character meaning you were able to make your own character as a male or a female. By allowing (Gender) customisation it influenced girls to play (Halo Reach).  Your own character was seen in online matches, the story mode and even in offline play. In terms of multiplayer just like (Halo 3 and Halo 2) (Halo Reach) took advantage of (Xbox Live) in order to be able to play online play and offline play in split screen. It also had Slight improvement on Animation but not much of a VFX improvement since (Halo 3).