Business and common working practice (Types of Briefs) Task 2

In week 2.1 I learned that there were five different types of briefs. These five different briefs are called the following. Contractual Brief, Negotiated Brief, Formal Brief, Informal Brief and finally Co-operative Brief.

Contractual Brief

A Contractual Brief is a legal document which is created between the employee and the client. One major advantage that comes from this type of brief is the fact that both the employee and client know how much income they will be receiving. One key disadvantage is that because it was a signed contract by bothe the employee and client you have to finish the work and you can’t decide to quit the job early on and may receive a heavy workload from the client.


Negotiated Brief

A Negotiated Brief is when both the employee and the client will come to a specified agreement upon the brief of the project. It is crucial that the employee and client stick to the brief they both worked out. One advantage that comes from a Negotiated Brief, however, is that since you are not bound by a contract to do certain things then, if changes to the brief need to me made between both people in order to improve on the project then that can be made. One disadvantage, however, is the fact that since it is “negotiated” the employee or client can come to a disagreement which could possibly lead to the project’s potential failure.


Formal Brief

A Formal Brief is a document that includes detailed information which is being sent to the employee telling them what they want to be done without including any useless/unwanted information. One advantage is that the client has explained exactly what needs to be done meaning the employee will know everything they need to do. A Disadvantage is that what the client has asked for will usually be written in great detail meaning the employee will have to very limited freedom and will have to produce something with the exact details that the client asks for. The employee can also choose to disagree with the work set by the client.


Informal Brief

An Informal Brief is a less professional brief from a client to the employee which roughly tells the employee what the client wants in a little detail. A huge advantage to the employee is that because there was little information to go by he/she has a lot of freedom with the task they have been set by the client as long as it’s within what the client has asked for. This can also be seen as a disadvantage for the client because this means that the employee can do pretty much whatever as long as it’s within the guidelines of what was asked of them meaning that the client can’t expect to be given something exactly like what they wanted to great detail.


Co-operative Brief

A Co-operative Brief is when two or more employees or production companies work together in unison in order to fulfil the client’s needs. One advantage to this is that it helps to build a sense of community among the employees and it also helps to build good social skills leading to a sense of good communication between people. However, this can go the complete opposite way which causes a huge disadvantage because if certain individuals don’t like working with one another it can cause problems and possibly lead tot he downfall of the project entirely.


What Brief did I notice we had used for MUBI?

If I had to say what brief we were using for MUBI I would say our group was following a Co-operative Brief. The reason why I think this is the case is that we were working in a group together at the same time in order to meet our goal of completing what was asked of us in the brief which meant we had to use effective communication while researching MUBI and while developing the advert for it.


Explicit and Implicit information

Explicit information is when something is fully and clearly expressed while Implicit information is when you understand what is said but it isn’t stated clearly enough. It’s important to know the difference when working on a project because you need to understand exactly what’s asked of you from briefs that might be given to you.