Business and common working practice (Reviewing Briefs in Company Settings) Task 3

I would review a brief in a company setting by checking for various things such as

  • If I have enough members to help complete for the project
  • If all employees have the correct software/hardware needed for the project
  • How long will it take to complete the project


Why is feedback from clients is good?

Feedback from clients is good because it can help you to understand if you are on track with the task that has been set for you.


Why would reviewing what went well in a project help you to further develop yourself in the future?

Reviewing what went well in your project will help to develop yourself in the future because it will help you to improve by learning new skills to help you with the future of your current project or other future projects.


Why would a review on what could be improved help you in future briefs?

This will help you because by improving on your issues from previous briefs you will be able to work better and fully satisfy future clients with future projects meaning that you will have more of a chance of being selected by the same clients to do complete their projects.