Texturing Models


Texturing models are used to apply visual detail to the model. The software that I used for texturing most of my models over these past 2 years was usually Mudbox. All of the assets I created for our synoptic also used Mudbox.  To texture models in Mudbox, you would use images that you have saved and then had allowed Mudbox to turn them into stencils.

Mudbox stencils



When using Mudbox there are different ways to add detail to a 3-D model. The most basic form of adding detail to models is by using the diffuse tool. All it does it simply allow you to texture the model using one of the many stencils that you have.

Bump Maps

Bump maps essentially try to make the model’s textures seem more realistic. When you’re only using the plain diffuse tool to texture 3-D models it makes the texture look unrealistic because it makes the model look like it has just been painted with the texture. Bump Maps, however, actually change the shape of the model to fit the way the texture looks. An example of this is a model that I textured which was used for the synoptic project which is my barrel.

Barrel 1
The first picture shows the model with no texture what so ever.

Barrel 2
The second picture shows the stencil I used with the diffuse tool to give the barrel a wooden look to it.

barrelsThe third and final picture shows the barrel with both the diffuse tool that has been used to give the barrel a wooden look and the Bump map I used to physically change the object to make it seem like the wooden texture was realistic.

Normal Maps

Normal Maps are also used to make the texturing seem more realistic like Bump maps however it’s used to create fake lighting. The most common colour in a normal map is blue because it highlights the colour directly towards the viewer.


Why do we use normal maps?

We use normal maps to make low polygon models look like they are as detailed as high polygon models by using the baking process.


This is the texture I will be using to give my model a Normal Map effect making the hammer look old and used.


I added more subdivisions to make it a higher polygon model when applying the texture to normal map it.


I then reduced the polygon count back down to make it a lower polygon model with the texture still applied to it.