Technical skills development


In my course I was happy that I was able to complete my portfolio which contains all my best pieces of work that I completed over a period of time at Nescot college. The Portfolio includes the modelling, animation, VFX and concept art that I have drawn and digitally painted myself.



If I had to say what I was good at in my course it would probably be my most favourite section of the course which is 3D modelling, texturing and rendering. This was because I was able to complete the designs of all the 3D models which I had drawn out and planned to create. One of my best works on my portfolio also just happens to be a 3D modelled object which is my Turret. I was good at being able to use my own drawing as a reference to help guide me along for making the model. I was also very good at being able to texture it by using the software called Mud box and I was  also particularly good at showing off my rendering skills to make the final 3D model look nice when I sent it back from Mud box to Maya by changing the rendering settings to add lighting and different camera perspectives of my model.



I also felt as If i did quite well when creating VFX shots by adding my own special effects to certain footage which I recorded myself. My best piece of work for the VFX side of my course was when I created a mini fight scene between my 3D modelled turret and my 3D modelled alien tripod. In this fight scene i simply used my knowledge of the tools to create a missile firing from the turret at the tripod while causing an explosion at the end. I was able to put each piece of footage and special effects into one whole composition folder. To which I turned my work into a windows media file after it had finished rendering.



In all honesty I feel as if I could of improved a lot especially in my Digital concept art. I felt as if the physical drawings I had created were very good however I believe the key part of what let me down for the majority of my digital concept art was my Photoshop painting skills. This was because unlike my vast knowledge of tools on programmes such as Maya and Mud box which made my job easier when creating and texturing 3D models I didn’t have enough knowledge on different tools which could of made my life a lot easier when trying to paint over my physical drawing in Photoshop. I did come to learn many of the tools for Photoshop towards the end but I still feel as If i could of improved slightly more.



I would also like to improve on my UV mapping skills for maya as I found it difficult at times to UV map a texture to a model that I had created.



To improve upon my concept art in the future I need to learn a variety of different tools in Photoshop and use them to create better quality digital paintings. I also need to use more than just a few different types of brushes because by using different types of brushes I can create different effects within my concept artwork. This will allow my concept art to look very realistic and  will also help to portray how certain objects look in real life making it look like a more believable image.



To improve upon my UV mapping in the future I will continue to attempt to UV map for different 3D models that I have created so that I can get better at being able to UV map textures to very hard parts of any 3D model.